Budget Breakdown
Brewster School District Funding
The Brewster School District receives funding from State and Federal grants, local levy money, and basic education allocations. The pie chart below depicts our sources of revenue.
Special Programs
Brewster School District Funding
The Brewster School District receives funding from State and Federal grants, local levy money, and basic education allocations. The pie chart below depicts our sources of revenue.
The Brewster School District is very conservative with funds, utilizing grant money, federal and state allocations responsibly. We utilize resources to create the best education possible for our students. Our district has received close to $1.5 million in grant funds this year.
Financiamiento del Distrito Escolar de Brewster
El Distrito Escolar de Brewster recibe fondos de subvenciones estatales y federales, fondos de impuestos locales y asignaciones para la educación básica. El siguiente gráfico circular muestra nuestras fuentes de ingresos.
El Distrito Escolar de Brewster es muy conservador con los fondos, y utiliza el dinero de las subvenciones y las asignaciones federales y estatales de manera responsable. Utilizamos recursos para crear la mejor educación posible para nuestros estudiantes. Nuestro distrito ha recibido cerca de $ 1.5 millones en fondos de subvenciones este año.
Brewster Special Programs
State and Federal program information can be found at the following OSPI (Washington Office of Public Instruction) link:
View Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Programas Especiales de Brewster
Se puede encontrar información sobre programas estatales y federales en el siguiente enlace de OSPI (Oficina de Instrucción Pública de Washington):
View Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
General Fund Revenues
$ 13, 135, 478.00
State Resources represent 68.10% of all revenues.
These revenues consists of state apportionment revenue based upon actual student enrollment for basic education as well as categorical programs.
Local Tax (voter approved levy funds) represents 7.34% of all revenues.
$ 1, 416, 581.00
Voters approved levy collections in the amounts of $ 1,416,581.00 for 2023 assuming a 98% of total taxes collected. Since the district's fiscal year runs from September 1st to August 31st, portions of two calendar year collections are used for budgeting purposes.
$ 3,824,395.00
Federal revenues represent 19.83% of district revenues which includes funding for specific grant programs.
$ 912,417.00
Local non-tax and other revenues account for the remainder of the budgeted revenues (4.73%). These revenues include tuition and/or fees, food lunch revenues, transportation reimbursements, interest earnings, and facilities use.
Total Revenues
$ 19, 288,931.00